“Lam… Vam… Ram… Yam... Ham... Sham... Om”.
"Lam...! Vam...! Ram...! Sham...! Yam...! Ham...! Om!"
Again, clapping your hands.
"Lam...! Ram...! Vam...! Sham...! Ham...! Yam...! Om!"
Am I doing this? Am I really doing this? I am sat in a room of people I have never met before chanting out loud a series of what are to me random-sounding (but rhyming!) words.
"Lam...! Sham...! Ram...! Ham...! Vam...! Yam...! Om!"
We repeat the mantra a few more times and then stop. "Now close your eyes and place your hands on your solar plexus." I do as instructed and rest my hands on my tummy. I'm thinking I need to go on a diet. Perhaps do a few sit-ups now and again. Now that the chanting has stopped I can hear the rain outside, and I'm wondering how I got here. As part of my attempt to learn to become 'psychic', I have been invited to attend Billy Roberts' psychic development workshop at Burton Manor in Cheshire in the North West of England.
Strangely enough, this isn't the first time I've been to Burton Manor. The last time was for a Departmental Away Day when I was a University lecturer. Even if I'd had fully developed precognitive skills back then, I don't think I could have foreseen that the next time I'd see this room would be at a psychic workshop.
But now that I am trying to discover and develop my own psychic abilities, then this is precisely the type of thing I need to be doing. Even if I'm not yet convinced that I have any psychic skills, or that they can be developed, or that such skills even exist! For me it's like trying to learn to speak French but not knowing if there is even a place called France where people speak this language!
This whole project is requiring a significant amount of suspension of disbelief on my part. I need to be willing to have my preconceptions challenged and I need to be open to seeing the world in a completely new way. I also need to be prepared to feel just a little silly as I chant a series of what are to random-sounding (but rhyming!) words in a room full of strangers. I guess it's all just part of the process. So, if you'll excuse me...
"Lam...! Vam...! Ram...! Yam...! Ham...! Sham...! Om!"
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Last week...

The central card, the Eight of Swords, is supposedly the Significator. This is meant to represent the dominating influence in the spread and, therefore, in my week ahead. The Eight of Swords, according to the book, represents:
Denial. A relationship or project is falling apart and there's little you want to do, or feel you can do, to prevent it. You're in denial and can't yet work out how to go forward, or face up to what's happening. Consult others, focus your thoughts, and drag yourself from emotional lethargy. Break the spell.Hmmm. This doesn't bode well. It seems as though it's all going to fall apart this week and there's sod all I can do about it. Bummer. I think I'll have a look at the other cards to see what might be salvaged.
The card in the one o'clock position in the spread, in this case the Ace of Pentacles, foretells Monday's events. According to the book, the Ace of Pentacles relates to:
Material success. This card indicates financial gain in terms of growing investments or unexpected gifts, from bonuses to royalties or competition wins. The Ace expresses complete material security, and brings reassurance after a period of uncertainty. The card also signals success for business start-ups and new relationships, so this is a happy, comfortable, and prosperous time.Cool. As you can imagine, I was therefore really looking forward to Monday! However, whilst Monday was a very enjoyable day, it did not bring financial gain or unexpected gifts. Perhaps Tuesday would bring this success? Indeed, Tuesday's card, the Six of Wands, predicts:
Triumph; Reward. After hard work comes a breakthrough, with fantastic news about a long-awaited award or the ending of a dispute. The Six is favourable for resolving legal matters, delayed contracts, or a work issue - whatever the situation, you succeed and receive a special reward for your determined effort. It is time to feel proud.It is true that Tuesday was one of the more interesting and, indeed, eventful days of the week. In the evening, I was invited to join a psychic development circle being held in a nearby town. I learnt a lot and met others who were equally keen to develop their psychic faculties. But, surprisingly, neither my tarot cards, nor any of the readings I received from others that evening, predicted my minor disagreement with a tree on my drive home. In retrospect, I should have gone home the way I had come, via the Motorway. But I didn't. Instead, I thought I'd go the more 'direct' way via the back roads. Not, I now appreciate, a good idea when you are unfamiliar with the back roads and it is the middle of the night. Let me just say I arrived home one and a half hours later with one less wing-mirror than I had when I had set off from home that afternoon. From now on I'm not going to put quite so much trust in Google Maps. Six of Wands, my arse.
Wednesday... and the Six of Swords:
Peace restored. Finally, harmony prevails, and you are able to take time out now that everything is in order. There may be an opportunity to travel abroad for rest or career, and return to the demands of your everyday life with more verve. While the Six does not indicate that a project or problem is resolved, it advises that you will enjoy a little distance from it.Whilst the wing-mirror was enjoying a little distance between itself and the car it belonged to, the only travel form me today was between various car-repair centres to see who could give me a new one for the lowest price. Moving swiftly on, Thursday's card, the Two of Swords referred to:
A truce. Peace returns after a time of discord and turmoil. You may not trust this truce, but it could present a valuable opportunity to gain perspective on a problem partnership or another troublesome association. Be cautious and factual, and consider every aspect. You will need to balance carefully your needs with those of the other party if you are to come to an agreement.This card seems to follow on from yesterday's card, the Six of Swords, which also talked of 'peace restored'. But all I was keen on restoring was the car to it's full complement of wing-mirrors!
Friday's Ten of Swords predicted:
Endings. In the suit of Swords, endings are dramatic, and may be shocking. However, on closer inspection of the facts, it's likely that this ending was predictable. A relationship or other arrangement is cut out of your life. The closure is harsh, but necessary; you will recover and be open to new opportunities sooner than you think.Friday was the day I got the car fixed. I don't think anything was cut out of my life (apart from a broken wing-mirror, etc., etc.). By now I have lost any faith that the cards are going to would provide any insight, no matter how vague, into the events of my week. Saturday's card, the King of Wands was reversed. This means its usual interpretation (if it were the right way round) changes quite dramatically. The King upright means honour and compassion. Reversed it means:
Prejudice. The reversed King has been embittered by bad experiences in the past or he has simply never bothered to question his intolerant attitudes. He is no moral compass for others and is unable to listen to their opinions or deviate from the safety of his stubborn ways. As a symbol of a situation, this card can reveal that negative thoughts are brewing.The only negative thoughts that are brewing today are about the usefulness of tarot cards! The final card, for Sunday, is the Ten of Pentacles:
Inheritance, happiness. The Ten is often a fortuitous card for families, favouring existing generations and those to come, so it can literally predict a happy marriage and children. In monetary terms the Ten, as the ultimate card of the Pentacles, reveals wealth accrued through generations, so there may be benefits from share dividends, an inheritance, or a gift from a generous friend or relative.Well, at least it all ends on a very positive note! Sadly, but perhaps not too surprisingly, there was no inheritance nor were any dividends heading my way. Perhaps, as the Eight of Swords (my 'significator' for the week) indicated, I am in denial. Maybe this project is falling apart before it's begun? Do I need to break the spell?
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Zone Unknown
Roy Basnett's Zone Unknown show on City Talk FM featured a discussion of the Million Dollar Psychic project tonight. Thanks to Mark Rosney for providing a recording for me to post here. Can you tell that I'm stood outside the Gents' toilet in a pub in Wycombe town centre? Thought you might.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
It's a mystery...

Apart from one. One of them is tricky. Or at least I found it rather tricky. It was the first question in a section testing language abilities. This is because "being able to provide comments using correct English is vital...". Again, fair enough. The question is:
Which answer would you go for?Please select the incorrect sentence:a. We'll see you on Wednesday.b. I speak Spanish very badly.c. I like the weather here in Winter.d. Paul is an excellent golfer.
Monday, 9 August 2010
The week ahead...
As a little 'experiment' (using the term in its loosest sense) I thought I would use my new(ish) tarot cards to tell me a little something about what lies ahead for me this week. According to the little book that came with the deck of cards I bought (The Golden Tarot by Liz Dean if you're interested...), I can do an eight card spread for the week ahead:
So. It seemed like a reasonable thing to try! My eight-card spread is shown in the picture (right). In case it's not clear to make out each of the cards, the 'Significator', the card in the centre is the Eight of Swords. Then, starting with the card in the one o'clock position relating to Monday and going clockwise, we have the Ace of Pentacles (Monday), Six of Wands (Tuesday), Six of Swords (Wednesday), Two of Swords (Thursday), Ten of Swords (Friday), King of Wands [reversed] (Saturday), Ten of Pentacles (Sunday).
Now, I have just read with interest what the book says these cards are supposed to mean. But I wondered if any of you folks with more experience of reading tarot cards might have some thoughts?
For fast insight in the near future, this popular spread uses a central Significator card. A Significator sums up the meaning of a reading, so in this spread it reveals the dominant influences in your week ahead. The other seven cards each relate to one day of the week. To begin, shuffle and cut the cards. Lay down the Significator card first, followed by seven cards clockwise as shown. Interpret the Significator first, then the cards for each day of the week in any order you choose. (p. 8)

Now, I have just read with interest what the book says these cards are supposed to mean. But I wondered if any of you folks with more experience of reading tarot cards might have some thoughts?
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Happy Birthday Mr Zwinge!
On this day in 1928, a boy was born who would go on to become the world's most prominent 'skeptic'. Randall James Hamilton Zwinge would later change his name to James Randi and become the scourge of psychics around the globe. Happy birthday Mr Zwinge!
Friday, 6 August 2010
One million dollars
If I am going to win the one million dollars offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) to anyone who can demonstrate genuine psychic (or other paranormal) abilities, then I am clearly going to need some help. Especially given that, right now, I don't profess to have any psychic powers! The whole point of this project is to see if someone who is skeptical about such things (i.e., someone like me) can learn to develop psychic ability.
So perhaps a little positive thinking is in order. To help this along I have printed off a cheque for one million dollars, made out to me:
There. That should do the trick.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
What are the odds?

The first person I approach is a young woman whose name, I quickly discover, is Helen. Not through psychic means; she tells me. I briefly explain what we're doing, and ask her if she would mind helping us for a couple of minutes. Hesitantly, she agrees.
As she's thinking of her mum's name, I close my eyes to see if anything comes to mind. Nothing. So, instead I try gazing off into the middle distance, and I notice a sign at the entrance to the college behind her. "Balliol College."
"Does your mum's name have a B in it?" I ask
"Er, yes..." she replies
"Does it begin with B?" I ask again.
"Er... yeah..." I think I'm more impressed than she is. She eyes me up suspiciously.
I just go for the first female name I can think of beginning with B, "Barbara?"
I'm completely flummoxed. Helen walks away as I'm left open-mouthed. She no doubt thinks it's some kind of trick. But there's no trick. It was just a lucky guess. Or was it? Could I have tapped into some hidden psychic ability?? Just in case, later in the day I buy a lottery ticket for this weekend's Lotto draw... well if I'm on a roll I don't want it to go to waste!
Monday, 2 August 2010
What is the Million Dollar Challenge?
That is a good question. Which is, of course, why you asked it. The Million Dollar Challenge is offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation, or JREF, to anyone who can demonstrate genuine paranormal abilities under controlled conditions. Nobody has ever claimed the million dollars. Detailed information can be found on the JREF website.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Scientist turns psychic in bid for million dollars
Can a scientist become a psychic and win a million dollars?
Dr. Matthew Smith has left behind the safety of academic life to pursue a unique and rather ambitious project. After more than fifteen years of researching ‘paranormal’ experiences from a scientific perspective, Matthew will set aside his scepticism to see if he can discover and develop his own hidden psychic abilities. In a year-long project, he will work with some of the world’s leading mediums and psychics to discover if he has any hidden psychic talents. Leading parapsychologists will monitor his progress by subjecting him to scientific tests along the way.
At the end of the year he will take the million dollar challenge offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) for anyone who can demonstrate genuine psychic abilities.
'It’s one heck of a challenge, but I’m really looking forward to delving into the world of the psychic. There’s only so much you can learn from conducting experiments on other people. Sometimes you just have to get in there and try it for yourself!', said Matthew.
Matthew left his post as Associate Professor of Psychology at Liverpool Hope University after ten years at the University. Shortly after he arrived at the University, he was asked to be the resident parapsychologist and sceptic on Living TV’s Most Haunted Live to pass a critical eye over the ‘paranormal’ activity experienced by the investigation team.
Matthew added, ‘This challenge takes me outside of academia, and out of my comfort zone, to explore these topics from a very different perspective.’
Matthew is writing about his experience for a book, Million Dollar Psychic, to be published next year.
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