Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Who'd be a dentist?

Why would anybody want to spend their entire working lives poking and prodding around inside other people's mouths? I think it takes a certain personality (i.e., weird) to want to do something like that. Very odd.

I've got the dentist this morning. Not looking forward to it.


  1. **shudders** you have my sympathy. I am phobic about dentists. No idea why anyone would want to do it as a job but I suppose it is a good thing that there are strange people out there. lol

  2. freudianslipofagirl15 September 2009 at 20:05

    Hi, hope the Dentist thing went well. Just a check-up? Or plans for more poking and prodding around in there, by way of a series of expensive visits :-)I have a friend who's a dentist and she's lovely, as is my own dentist. However, after a series of not nice experiences with a man who did for dentistry what Sweeney Todd did for Barbers I was put off for quite some time. As for a career choice, one could be cynical and say the money is a motive (mine has a lovely car), but as for my friend she just thought it looked interesting and wanted to do something with her good science grades.

  3. I had a very scary visit when I was a child and it put me off for life.

    Hope all went well.

  4. 'Twas fine. Two fillings (first since I was a kid) done in less than 5 minutes. No sticker though...

  5. Fillings..eek..that alone is enough to have me running for the exit.

    Ask them for two stickers next time to make up for it.

  6. well, one motivation is that they get paid a shedload for their job.

  7. True pangloss but then I would want a mansion load to do what they do.

  8. It is important to visit a family dentist at least twice a year in order to maintain proper oral health.

    Dentist in Los Alamitos
