Cosmic ordering refers to the idea that to make your dreams become a reality you can effectively place orders with the cosmos. The cosmos then dutifully delivers your order, much like any other delivery service (other than the Royal Mail, I guess). There seem to be dozens of books devoted to the subject of cosmic ordering out there (and more than 17 million hits on Google!) but the book that is typically regarded as inspiring the rising interest in cosmic ordering is Barbel Mohr's book The Cosmic Ordering Service. It was this book that Noel Edmonds cited as introducing him to the concept and that led to his return to TV in Deal or No Deal.
Well, if it worked for The Edmonds, could it work for me? Has anyone else here tried cosmic ordering? Or is it a load of twaddle?
twaddle is as twaddle does
ReplyDeleteWise words mate...
ReplyDeleteI've actually found cosmic ordering quite effective. The few things I've 'ordered' have within either a few hours, days or weeks arrived, dependent on the order. I think you just have to try it. Trust and believe and it may work for you too!
ReplyDeleteWow Hannah, if it's that good - how does it work, I need lots of stuff right now. I tried it about a year ago but my order wasn't filled. Having said that I asked for something quite big, but it was something I really needed. Does the cosmos reject your order if it seems too greedy or if it judges that what you ask for will not be good for you?
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should go see Matthew and 'acquire' his copy of the book.
I prefer to do my ordering on e-bay.
ReplyDeleteWho is to say that whatever it was you "ordered cosmically" wouldn't have happened anyway without the need for a cosmic order form?
I placed a cosmic order last night after reading this blog. Feel much more settled about my 'thing' now, think throwing it out there has had a really calming effect. will let you know if my order is filled!
ReplyDeleteI would love to believe cosmic ordering works ...(sounds like an alternative to praying to a God) but....
ReplyDeleteI have asked for help in the last month for a few things...who did I ask? Well it wasn't the cosmos or God or anyone..I just asked.
Seems to have worked though..lol.
Great coincidence?...probably.
could you mail me the wedding photo's google mail me jmassseysmith@googlemail.com cheers x
ReplyDeleteoooh I will place my order for a nice lottery win tonight then :-D
ReplyDeleteCosmic ordering just seems to be another name for positive thinking and the ability to relate anything good that happens to a "label" - bit like tarot really!
To Anonymous (no. 3... which may of course be the same 'Anonymous' as the others!): Yes, let us know how your order turns out... did you put a time on it?
ReplyDeleteSo why won't it work for me?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1: Are you able to say what it is you ordered?
ReplyDeleteAnon...maybe it wont work as there is nothing to it (in my opinion)...well maybe some luck.
ReplyDeleteHope what you asked for is granted.
I have asked for something specific...all in the name of research of course.
Maybe not a good idea to tell of our requests..a bit like not telling our wishes when we blow out our birthday candles.lol
Or maybe we should tell others of what we have 'ordered' as other people may be able to help in some way...?
ReplyDeleteIf its a request for emotional things then yes..we may be able to help.
ReplyDeleteWe could ask the cosmic on behalf of someone I suppose.
I am not even sure of what we are supposed to ask for. Are there rules?
Anon. 3 here! Yes, I put a time on it... 20th Dec. Will let you know!
ReplyDeleteanon1 here - I wanted a new house. Well, got it sorta - someone set fire to mine and I ended up living in a hotel for 6 months and a rented house for 6 months!!
ReplyDeleteNow back where I started. Ah but the Cosmos has a sense of humour!!
Right now I want a change of direction, but is that not specific enough?
Well if you just asked for 'a new house' then I guess you did get it! And they say that you need to be flexible as to how the order is delivered and that it might not be how you expect it.
ReplyDeleteBut if you're back at your original house...
Being more specific may help, though an 'open' order like that has probably got a good chance of being delivered! An important point, as I understand it, is that you need to be open and flexible as to how that change of direction might come about... be open to opportunities!
Twist it to fit you mean like so many other things in the same genre!
ReplyDeleteI personally would like the answer to a question and it has to be a specific name either one name or the other. I don't know how the answer to that would materialise and even if it appeared written in my toast or whatever would I believe it anyway? I am hard to please!
Not sure what you mean by an answer that needs to be a specific name... doesn't sound like the kind of thing that is in the realm of cosmic ordering!
ReplyDeleteBut then what do I know...
This does sound rather like positive thinking (I actually wrote wishful thinking, there was a slip).
ReplyDeleteIs it actually any different from what we used to call 'praying' but separated from a religious context? Is 'The Cosmos' any different to 'God'?
A superstitious person might worry about some kind of cosmic balance, so that for every good thing there is a bad thing to accompany it.
Hi Tom,
ReplyDeleteThe notion of cosmic ordering most definitely includes a healthy dose of positive thinking (which itself is something we often overlook as being very powerful), but I think there's more to it than just that.
I do approach this topic with more than a little scepticism, and probably just a bit of cynicism, but there is part of me that thinks to dismiss it out of hand could be missing something. Even if it all comes down something that can be explained psychologically.
Yes, others have noted links to the idea of praying... although from certain religious quarters this comparison isn't at all welcome!
Quite possibly I am barking up the wrong realm but to elaborate I am wanting to confirm the name of an ancestor and I've not been able to find out for certain through the normal channels! A cosmic channel could be just the thing...
ReplyDeletethe name is Simon
ReplyDelete(Anon 1)
Thanks for that elucidation Matt. I wonder if that little part of you reluctant to dismiss it out of hand is a fragment of superstition that even those who consider themeselves rational often carry with them. Just in case. I can see why the religious-minded might not be too keen on this as it does seem to have New Age connotations.
ReplyDeleteThere might also be elments of selective memory here, asking for something and only remembering the times it came true and forgetting the misses, thereby making something meaningful out of coincidences; that leaves aside the undoubted mechanism that having ordered something one is more motivated to achieve it and therefore to make the most of opportunities in that direction. As you suggest, some interesting psychology going on here.
It's more your last point that leads me to think there may be something to it (though very aware of potential role of selective memory and even superstition!)...
ReplyDeleteThough I think that's still only part of it. That's the positive thinking aspect. Cosmic ordering talks of maintaining a certain detachment from the outcome: Trusting that your 'order' will be 'delivered', and not worrying about it. This is also a powerful psychological principle and one that can be hard to adopt...